Sabbath Service Schedule
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM: First Light Service
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Bible Study Connection Groups
11:15 AM - 12:15PM - Midday Service
Church news
February 15 - CONNECT: CONNECT, our service for for youth and young adults will take place during our midday service time.
March - IMPACT Youth and Young Adult Retreat: High schoolers and young adults are invited to this retreat at Camp Yavapines in Prescott, AZ. Contact Pastor Charles if you are interested.
Pathfinder Meetings - Every Sunday at 10AM: Pathfinders, please remember we are meeting at the YMCA Otto Facility for our meetings. From February 9-March 23, there are no Saturday meetings. Remember your swimming suits!
Sabbath School Quarterlies: Printed quarterlies are approximately $8 each. You can help your church by paying for yours or accessing the quarterly for free on your phone or tablet. Quarterly links are located at the bottom of this page.
Saguaro Hills Adventist Christian School Tax Credits: Do you file Arizona taxes? If so, you may direct most, if not all of your state tax dollars to support our children’s education. You can sponsor a student without it costing you anything. Valentina and Ashlynn are two of our young people who could use your help. If your student attends a school that accepts aid, please let us know. To learn more, Scan the QR code in the bulletin or contact Conrad Schwinn, SHACS Treasurer.
DV Adventist Website: We hope you continue to check our website! You can watch sermons, download the bulletin, watch the livestream, submit prayer requests and more.
Prayer requests
Do you have a prayer request? Please use the form below to submit your prayer request. Use the drop-down menus to change the privacy settings on your prayer request.
- Make Everything Public: Your name, contact, and prayer request will be visible on the Prayer List.
- Hide My Name, Email, and Phone: Your name and contact information will remain hidden, but your prayer request will be visible on the Prayer List.
- Hide My Prayer Request: Your name and contact will be visible, but your prayer request will be hidden from the prayer list. People will know to pray for you, but your specific prayer request will not be shared.
- Make Everything Private: Only the pastoral team and website editor will see your prayer request.
- Staff Visibility: You can either let the pastoral team see your name/info or keep your prayer request completely private.
Prayer list
Please use the form above to submit a prayer request. Prayer requests will show up here.
For myself-Trying to become a better person-wanting to get closer to God. Most of my childhood I grow up Seventh Day Adventist but as I got older I chose a different path which led me to the wrong crowd. I need to ask for forgiveness and to forgive others too that have caused soo much harm to me. I lost my job about 2 weeks ago and it’s difficult to locate a job .
My former community Altadena
My best friend's mom, Amy, is battling medullary thyroid cancer stage III. She had her first successful tumor-removal surgery on 1/15 but has a long road ahead of her. Prayers for Amy's healing and for the family are appreciated.
Sabbath school Quarterly links
Need to access the quarterly? Click below to access the most recent Bible study guides.
Geared toward those ages 18-35+ and follows along with current theme of Adult Bible Study Guide.
Give tithes and offering
God influences the world through His people. He gives to us so He can give through us. The Bible tells us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). As you give both faithfully and willingly, the world is changed for the glory of God: the gospel is preached, lives are touched, people are fed, bodies are healed, churches are built; and you, in turn, are blessed by God so that you can give again. The link below takes you to the Adventist Online Giving site. You can also find the Adventist Giving app in the app store.