In our Kids Ministry, our mission is to help kids find their way back to God, connect with others, and contribute to changing the world. We believe that kids have the capacity to walk intimately with God, and we love to see them learn about Him and connect with Him through Bible stories, songs, and crafts.
Desert Valley
New Youth worship
starting in FEBRUARY
At Desert Valley we hope to provide an environment where kids can meet Jesus and grow to love Him. Join us at Sabbath School or Pathfinders!
Green door Ages 10-12
Red door Ages 7-9
Blue door Ages 4-6
Yellow door Ages 0-3
Growing Together Curriculum
New access for 2023. If you'd like us to send you a physical copy of the lessons let us know!
The Sabbath School Lessons are introduced each Sabbath during the worship service in the Children's Feature.
Password: tdvsda
Desert Valley Mountain Lion Pathfinders & Adventurers:
Pathfinder Meetings:
The 2023-2024 Pathfinder year will be starting soon. More details to come!