Grace is the activity of God
to communicate His love for fallen mankind.
See our beliefs below.
Spreading God's Grace & Word
Grace is the activity of God
to communicate His love for fallen mankind.
See our beliefs below.
Our Pastoral Team
The staff and leadership here at Desert Valley is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them.
Mike Stevenson - Lead Pastor Strategic Vision, Community Outreach, Preaching
We welcome our new lead pastor and his wife Kris!
Helmer Heghesan Retired: Visitation
Jim Brauer Retired: AV Director and Counseling.
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Our Beliefs
I believe –
1. Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Through faith in Him I am saved and enjoy eternal life now. I do not come into condemnation but have passed from death to life.
2. There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal Persons, all working together for my salvation.
3. The Bible is the testimony of Jesus and is the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian.
4. Adam’s fall brought sin, condemnation, and death upon humanity. The Ten Commandment Law declares God’s will, reveals sin, and reminds all, including the saved, of their need of a Savior.
5. The Gospel proclaims that the one who is just by faith shall live. In justification and sanctification God declares believers righteous on the ground of Jesus Christ’s substitutionary life and death apart from works. In Christ we are absolutely perfect, righteous!
6. The fruit of the Gospel includes the new birth and a hopefully a life of progressive growth, which is a deepening repentance and a growing Christ-likeness until glorification at the Day of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, I have come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly. Behavior is never the test of salvation, resting in Christ is.
7. God is consistent, from Genesis to Revelation he is the same. It is all grace. New Covenant, is a fuller demonstration of God grace through Christ alone, the messiah. Scripture is clear, no salvation is ever possible via law keeping. It is the tutor that brings us to Christ. He wants us to grow up and experience the joyous fruit of the Gospel of freedom, REST in Christ alone! Christ is the end of the law to those who believe. Why? Because we follow Him! He is Lord!
8. Joined by faith to Jesus Christ, I become a member of His body, the Church Universal.
9. Participation in His body includes baptism, corporate worship, the Lord’s supper, exercising discipleship and spiritual gifts – fulfilling the great commission to take the Gospel to the world.
10. The Christian life is a personal relationship with Christ – a commitment to His steadfast love. Discipleship is the joy of following the master with all of our time, talents, possessions (including tithes and offerings), health, and influence.
The Christian disciple understands that his sins are already forgiven in Christ. Repentance and confession are important disciplines to help us recognize the insidious effect of sin, not salvation issues that may prevent us from seeing Him soon.
11. At the cross, Jesus stood in the Judgment for sinners and died in their place. Believers do not personally appear in Judgment because Jesus the Mediator presents them as righteous in Himself.
12. Twice in scripture God rests after finishing His work, creation and the cross. The Sabbath has always and only been a sign of resting in His finished work.
13. In the Final Judgment, the righteous receive immortality at Christ’s return, and the wicked, eternal death at the Millennium’s end as the new earth becomes the saints’ possession forever.
14. Adventist Christians are called to announce Christ’s return to the world by proclaiming the Gospel – it is our privilege to stand in the judgment as character witnesses, Christ did it all, justification, sanctification and soon glorification. We do nothing, He does everything!
15. The remnant concept is repeatedly found in scripture. God always has his people who trust and follow him. But claiming to be the remnant or suggesting that others are not part of the remnant is a sickness that plagues the Christian church. Desert Valley invites everyone to follow Jesus and thus be part of His remnant.
16. Health principles can be an important part of enjoying life. But one man's food is another man's poison. We apologize for some who might have tried to make health the gospel. Jesus only, is the gospel. Health is just that, good health. We encourage people to submit their bodies to God and be healthy, for His glory and their own abundant living with Jesus.
What's going on. . .
Obviously, the picture is still being taken, formed, framed.
We hope you will both be in the picture and help make the picture!
Whether you are interested in connection small groups that meet on Saturday morning, or just want to see what is on the