LifeGroups &

Links U need

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

John 4:7-8

If you are interested in a confidential way to learn more on dealing with pornography, click on this link

Missional Communities

We believe the church is the family of God called to live on mission to advance His Kingdom. Because we are God's children through Jesus, we are to live as brothers and sisters. The church is not a building, place, or program, but God's people.

Living in community with one another is essential to growing in the Gospel and becoming more like Christ. Showing up to a Sabbath gathering is great, but it is our desire to see everyone involved in a Missional Community. A Missional Community is not a mid-week program, but a family of missionary servants who are making disciple-making disciples daily. We would love to see all of our Missional Communities hanging out throughout the week, eating meals together and serving their neighborhoods. It is not something you check off a list, but a way of doing life.

Join a Life Group

Groups come in all shapes and sizes — married couples, singles, men, women, kids, no kids, workplace, under 20, over 40 — the list goes on. No matter where you are in life, there’s a group for you. Ready to dive in? Find a group that fits you or start one of your own.

Links U Need

In this age of information, computers and fast paced society, it is easy to get swallowed up, forgotten

and drowning in a sea of people.  This is why LIFEgroups are so important, but if you are facing something

secret and need to know where to turn, here are a few resources.